The Klingon Imperial Weapons Guild
is dedicated to the preservation
and promotion of the ancient art of Klingon bladed weaponry and
the traditional techniques association with it's construction.
This site is the most comprehensive
collection of data
concerning the blades of the Klingonwarrior on Terra.
The fundamentals of the Klingon blade. Enjoy.
This page is for personal, recreational
and non profit use. *Klingon* is a copyright item and the property
of Paramount Studios
and the Estate of Gene Roddenberry. No infringement on those rights
are intended.
The Klingon Imperial Weapons Guild is an original concept of Ambassador
Lady K'Zin (Capucine Plourde) and K'Daq Kasara (Richard Robin).
Copyright 1997 - 2005.
The "Forge at the *Heart of Kri'stak*"
and *mupwI'* are original ideas of K'Daq (Richard Robin). Copyright
1997 - 2005.
All knife images and articles are the property of K'Daq (Richard
Robin) , K'Beck (Tim Coy) and the KIWG (unless otherwise indicated)
and may not be used without permission.